
The Abenaki Nation affirms its capacity to manage its youth protection

Last April, the Abenaki Nation officially notified the federal and provincial governments of its desire to apply the Act C-92 in its entirety and thus manage all actions related to child and family services. As of January 1, 2020, federal Act C-92 explicitly recognizes the inherent right of Indigenous peoples to exercise their own jurisdiction over child and family services, including child welfare.

For almost two years now, the Odanak and Wôlinak Councils have been working to consolidate general family services, but also to integrate youth protection services into the N8wkika program.

The N8wkika program (Child and Family Services of the Abenaki Nation) has been in place for ten years now and supports families in all their needs. For a decade now, more than 200 children have benefited from individual or family follow-ups. These families have been surveyed and have stated that they would like the communities of Odanak and Wôlinak to exercise their jurisdiction and to autonomously manage all services, including youth protection.

Over the years and through daily practice, it has been clearly demonstrated that the Abenaki Nation has the skills, expertise and knowledge to support families in need. Furthermore, the resources of the Abenaki Nation hold all the traditional cultural knowledge that ensures interventions adapted to the specific needs of the children and their families. It is through holistic practice, connected to the strengths of the families and allied to the community approach that the Abenaki Nation will ensure the well-being of the children of the communities of Odanak and Wôlinak.

The collaboration between the Abenaki Nation and the Director of Youth Protection (DYP) being very constructive and knowing that the resources of the DYP themselves possess an essential expertise, Odanak and Wôlinak propose that discussions lead to a partnership that will see the Nation manage its youth protection autonomously while maintaining a close collaboration with the provincial youth protection service.

The Abenaki Nation is now at the stage of finalizing the development of legal, administrative, and clinical structures that will allow it to acquire all the resources necessary to manage all child and family services and to ensure the protection of its youth.

It is expected that by the beginning of 2023, the children of the communities of Odanak and Wôlinak will be protected by internal resources in collaboration with the provincial and federal partners who will respect the self-determination of the Abenaki Nation.



Kwaï dear members of the Nation,

You can now view online or have printed the hunting & fishing codes:
2021-2022 HUNTING CODE
2021-2022 FISHING CODE

We take this opportunity to remind you of the importance of respecting the terms and conditions indicated in these codes. Since the signing of the first version of the hunting, fishing and trapping agreement between the Government of Quebec and the Nation in 1999, there have only been a handful of incidents. This is to our credit and let’s collectively keep it that way. When in doubt about any of the terms of any of these codes, please feel free to contact me to discuss.

It is also important to remember the existence of the Abenaki Hunting and Fishing Committee. It is an apolitical committee formed by about ten Abenaki members acting as volunteers and having at heart the pursuit of traditional activities such as hunting, fishing and trapping. The committee’s mandate is to formulate recommendations related to the practice of these activities for approval by the Councils. Once approved, the recommendations are then forwarded to the follow-up committee of the hunting, fishing and trapping agreement between the Nation and the Government of Quebec or, depending on the subject, the Government of Canada. It is possible to join the committee at any time. Adjustments to the agreement can be made through comments, concerns or questions raised by the committee. Their contributions are essential to ensure that the agreement is adequate.

For any comments or questions:
Suzie O’Bomsawin
P : 819.294.1686
@ : [email protected] 


A short guide to greeting in the Abenaki language

Kwaï !

The GCNWA team wishes to highlight the importance of perpetuating the Abenaki language with this little guide that will help you discover different types of greetings and their pronunciation.

Did you know that as we write these few lines, there are less than 5 native Abenaki speakers? To perpetuate the language is to perpetuate the memory of our ancestors. It is to be able to understand their stories in their native language, without any discrepancies due to translation. It is to understand the songs, the legends, our millennial link to the Ndakina and more.

We feel that there is a growing interest in learning the Abenaki language and we would like to take this opportunity to share these expressions with you, as we hope that with more visibility, the desire to use it will grow.



FNCFS is now N8wkika!

First Nations Child and Family Services (SEFPN Odanak et Wôlinak) of the Grand Conseil de la Nation Waban-Aki would like to celebrate the W8banaki Nation and its roots by giving itself a name in the Abenaki language.

This is why we are proud to announce today that the social services for the families of Odanak and W8linak will now be called N8wkika (pronounced Naonwkéka) which means “to sow in the long term”.

Working for the well-being of families means making a long-term commitment – sowing seeds – and accompanying and supporting several generations who want the best for their children.

Long live N8wkika services!


Joyce Echaquan, the Abenakis show their support

The Abenakis unite to support Joyce Echaquan’s family and community in this terrible ordeal. Thus, the Waban-Aki Nation announces its financial support in the legal proceedings that will be undertaken following the painful period of mourning.

Indeed, after the family of the deceased affirmed their desire to obtain justice, and rightly so, the Waban-Aki Nation has chosen to respectfully support this process. Although such financial support will unfortunately not alleviate the family’s pain and anger, we wish to support them in their quest for justice. At the time desired by the family, the Grand Counseil de la Nation Waban-Aki (GCNWA) will be pleased to discuss with the family in order to consider their needs and plan support.

“We extend our sympathies to the Atikamekw family and community. We are all shocked by such a tragedy that we cannot leave without action. Legal action, criminal prosecution, coroner’s inquest, it is of the utmost importance that justice be done. “Affirms categorically Denys Bernard, GCNWA’s Executive Director.

Daniel G. Nolett, Executive Director of the Abenaki Council of Odanak agrees: “We are saddened by this unacceptable tragedy and firmly believe that justice must be done. Our thoughts are with the family and the community. »

In all solidarity, we hope that this drama can finally sign the end of an unacceptable era.


Nouvelle passerelle DEC-BAC à l’Institution Kiuna (In French only)

Grâce à une association entre l’Institution Kiuna, seul centre d’études collégiales destiné aux Premières Nations au Québec, et l’Université Saint-Paul, située à Ottawa, les diplômés et diplômées du programme Sciences humaines – profil Premières Nations (300.B0) de Kiuna auront la possibilité d’accéder au B.A. spécialisé en innovation sociale de l’Université Saint-Paul.

La reconnaissance des unités permettra aux étudiants d’obtenir, en quatre ans, un diplôme d’études collégiales et un baccalauréat.

En joignant leurs efforts, l’Institution Kiuna et l’Université Saint-Paul s’engagent à encourager l’excellence en éducation, à offrir des possibilités de formation pratique, à accroître l’accès aux programmes d’études postsecondaires en français et en anglais et à assurer la mobilité entre les établissements.

«Cette association s’inscrit dans notre mission de favoriser chez nos étudiants le leadership et la persévérance, et reflète notre volonté d’assurer un continuum de services éducatifs de qualité qui tient compte de leurs aspirations, de leurs réalités et de leur culture», a déclaré Prudence Hannis, directrice de l’Institution Kiuna.

«Nous sommes très heureux de nous associer à Kiuna pour cette nouvelle entente d’arrimage», a ajouté Chantal Beauvais, rectrice de l’Université Saint-Paul. «Ce partenariat marque une étape importante alors que nos établissements travaillent ensemble pour appuyer les étudiants et étudiantes autochtones dans la réalisation de leurs objectifs universitaires et de leurs aspirations futures.»

Les deux établissements souligneront ce nouveau partenariat à l’occasion de l’inauguration, plus tard cette année, d’un nouveau centre pour les étudiants autochtones à l’Université Saint-Paul.