
Heroic intervention by Maxime Diamond!

On July 15th, an emergency situation highlighted the importance of the emergency management skills and training acquired by Maxime Diamond, Director of Housing and Emergency Management at W8banaki.

Around 8pm, an accident occurred on Bécancour Boulevard, requiring the intervention of the Bécancour firefighters and emergency services. A vehicle had veered off the road, leaving the driver in distress. Fortunately, Maxime Diamond, who was nearby, quickly took control of the situation.

Maxime’s testimony

I saw the car and immediately pulled over to see if I could help. While a lady called 911, another witness was slowing down traffic. On my side, after removing two doors to let air circulate inside the vehicle, I took charge of the driver, reassuring her and continuously monitoring her condition and breathing. Meanwhile, a volunteer firefighter arrived, and after 15 minutes, the police and ambulance were on the scene. I then exited the car and let the professionals take over.

Thanks to his quick reflexes and the skills acquired within the EMAP, Maxime was able to stabilize the situation until the professionals arrived. This intervention demonstrates the importance of emergency management training to be ready to respond effectively when needed.

We congratulate Maxime Diamond for his courage and dedication!


W8BANAKIAK | Nouvelle exposition permanente présentée à partir du 22 juin (In French only)

Le Musée des Abénakis inaugure sa toute nouvelle exposition permanente dans la plus grande joie. En cette journée nationale des peuples autochtones, la Nation W8banaki est à l’honneur. L’exposition W8banakiakAbénakis au pluriel, succède à Wôbanaki – Abénakis au singulier, présentée depuis 2006 et visitée par plus de 140 000 personnes. Le titre représente avec exactitude son contenu, puisque l’individu laisse sa place à la communauté. Témoin de la force identitaire de la Nation, cette exposition colorée et captivante mise sur le dynamisme d’un peuple fier, qui souhaite perdurer et qui sait se faire entendre. 

Le délicat mandat, donné à l’entreprise spécialisée en design d’expositions, La bande à Paul, est d’offrir à la Nation et aux visiteurs un reflet contemporain et une véritable représentation de la culture abénakise. C’est pourquoi l’exposition est centrée sur les W8banakiak d’aujourd’hui, sur les humains qui vivent avec un incroyable bagage historique. « Du Ndakina, de notre histoire, de notre patrimoine, nous avons voulu en faire ressortir les gens d’aujourd’hui qui portent cette culture de résilience dans leur coeur et qui la transmettent avec passion aux jeunes générations » affirme Helen Watso, présidente du Conseil d’administration du Musée des Abénakis.

L’exposition prend place dans une salle toute spéciale nommée en l’honneur d’une grande ambassadrice de la Nation, Alanis Obomsawin. Vicky Desfossés-Bégin, directrice générale du Musée des Abénakis témoigne : « Quoi de mieux qu’une salle nommée l’honneur de cette grande dame pour tenir une exposition où il est question de fierté, de résilience, de transmission et même de militantisme ». Outre la toile de fond historique, l’exposition, adaptée à tous, apportera son lot d’interactions pour les sens du visiteur. Des odeurs, des textures, des sons, des animations visuelles s’additionnent au contenu afin de procurer une expérience entière et authentique. Le Musée des Abénakis propose une immersion dans la culture abénakise qui saura assurément éveiller les sens.

Le Musée des Abénakis tient à remercier ses partenaires financiers : Gouvernement du Canada, Gouvernement du Québec ainsi que le Conseil des Abénakis d’Odanak.


W8banaki invests 2.8 million dollars in the expansion of its facilities in Wôlinak

W8banaki is proud to announce the beginning of a major expansion project at its offices located in Wôlinak. Since 2007, W8banaki has been in its fifth phase of expansion, thus demonstrating the organization’s ongoing commitment to growth and service to the Abenaki community.

The Trifluvian general contractor, Therrien Inc., has been selected to carry out this large-scale project, with a total investment of 2.8 million dollars. With a total area of almost 10,000 square feet, the new addition to the building will be spread over three floors, including 22 new enclosed offices, providing a modern and functional workspace for W8banaki’s 92 employees. Additionally, with the addition of a childcare facility for employees’ children, this expansion also demonstrates the organization’s commitment to its employees and their families, particularly in a context of childcare shortage, further enhancing W8banaki’s reputation as an employer of choice valuing work-life balance and support for its team.

“This expansion marks a significant milestone for W8banaki,” says Mr. Denys Bernard, the organization’s general manager for nearly 20 years. “Previously, our services were mainly aimed at the communities of the Abenaki Nation, but today, we collaborate with several other First Nations across Quebec as well as municipalities, RCMs, and other organizations in the region.”

Directly linked to W8banaki’s commitment to effectively respond to the growing number of projects and partners, “the expansion of our offices also reflects the expertise of the Abenaki Nation,” Mr. Bernard emphasizes.

Construction work is expected to begin in June 2024 and be completed by May 2025, with no service interruptions planned.


W SHOW | 2024 edition

The communities of Odanak and W8linak are proud to invite you to the 2024 edition of the W Show

This year’s show will feature the story 8tlokaw8ganal (“Legends”), inspired by Nicole O’Bomsawin’s illustrated book. Through this captivating tale, you’ll discover how the little stone beings, guardians of the land and forests, first met the Abenaki. Listen to Nokmes and Nmah8m tell this captivating story about the Abenaki’s relationship with these stone beings, as well as with their environment, the animals and the forest.

Reserve your tickets now! A family event open to all!


Departure of a valued colleague

It is with a heavy heart that the Ndakina Office of W8banaki team wishes to announce the departure of Geneviève Treyvaud, an archaeologist who had worked for the W8banaki Nation for over 10 years, and for the Ndakina Office since 2016.

Known as a woman of passion and character, she bequeaths to her colleagues and to the members of the Nation a precious heritage and a practice of archaeology that is respectful and protective of the particular heritage of the First Nations. She taught her colleagues at university, mentored many of them, and involved members of the Nation in archaeological digs, particularly during the 10-year Odanak Archaeological Field School project. It’s hard to summarize her contribution to the Nation, so great is it!

Beyond her exceptional skills and knowledge, Geneviève was a smiling, dynamic colleague who knew how to motivate the team around common goals. No one was ever discouraged by her! She communicated her smile and joie de vivre to everyone who walked through her office door. Always concerned for others, Geneviève became a precious friend to many of us. She took advantage of every moment of her life to be happy and spread happiness around her as much as she could.

She is survived by her husband Marc-André, her children Morgane and Geoffroy, her granddaughter Florence, her sister Valérie, and many other family members and friends, to whom the team wishes to extend its deepest condolences.

We wish you a safe journey Geneviève. The team can still hear the “Indiana Jones” ringing of your telephone, but already misses your rallying cries for “tea time”, the tradition you started at the office, and of course your warm smile.

Kchi Wliwni for all you’ve done, we already miss you terribly.


Retour sur le banquet Wlipogwat (In French only)

L’événement Wihigamit Kchi mijow8ganek (banquet Wlipogwat) de samedi dernier fut un grand succès grâce à votre présence et à nos talentueux cuisinier(ère)s. Kchi wliwni à eux pour avoir régalé nos papilles avec leurs délicieux plats !

Comme nous souhaitons répéter l’événement dans le futur, nous aimerions recueillir vos suggestions et idées grâce à ce formulaire anonyme.

Merci encore à tous les participants et aux cuisinier(ère)s pour avoir fait de ce banquet un événement inoubliable. On se laisse sur quelques images prises samedi dernier.