Our services

Did you know...

N8wkika means "long term sowing" in Wabanaki language, a social and community services program delivered by W8banaki.

  • That the First Nations Child and Family Service provide a full range of services in Odanak and Wôlinak;
  • That our services are  FREE  and are offered to you where you feel comfortable to receive them;
  • That a team of trained and competent workers is there for you, having as an obligation to protect your confidentiality;
  • In Odanak and Wôlinak, there is a family room used for workshops and activities or simply to discuss;
  • That you can suggest activities and workshops to community organizers active in the communities;
  • That our services are offered to families, their children, teenagers, parents and grandparents.



"... my teenager has behavioral problems ..."

"... I feel that my child is not developing well ..."

"... my life as a couple and my family life seem to go nowhere ..."

"... my child does not do homework at home ..."

"... I want to attend workshops, conferences to inform me ..."

"... I just want to chat with someone, without any obligation ..."

"... I feel alone, I am isolated and I will need to talk to someone ..."

"... the DPJ contacted me, I need to be accompanied to manage this situation ..."